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See translation hexagram

See translation hexagram

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The I Ching is a mystical discipline of digital prediction with a very ancient origin. It was formed more than 2000 years ago and continues to develop until now.
The nature of the I Ching is to predict specific events in the near future, giving a very high level of accuracy (it can be considered the prediction subject with the highest accuracy rate).

In addition to asking for yourself, you can also ask for relatives. However, the accuracy decreases depending on the level of intimacy.

The discussion of a Hexagram Translation includes:

  1. Some people ask: Ask to whom, what problem to ask, what is the result of casting the hexagram?
  2. Translator: Answer the key questions: yes/no, should/shouldn't, if yes then what, if not then what, the appropriate period (time when the event will be fulfilled), related issues, formulation solution (if any).

Factors affecting the accuracy of the Translation hexagram include:

  1. The sincerity of the person casting the hexagram: This is the factor that has the greatest impact on the accuracy and effectiveness of the Dich hexagram. The person casting the hexagram must be someone who respects ghosts and gods. When casting the hexagram, the subject must achieve stability in case, due to geographical factors and word usage, there is incorrect information exchange between the subject and the translator.
    For example: "The question is, is business cooperation successful?". This sentence has two meanings, which need to be specifically clarified: "The person himself wants to cooperate with the partner, but the partner is considering whether to cooperate or not. Therefore, what you want to ask is whether the partner agrees to cooperate with you?", another way to understand it could be "You are planning to cooperate with the partner, this cooperation is almost certain." is definitely successful. What people want to ask is whether this cooperation will bring benefits and profits? Therefore, there needs to be clear communication between the two parties to avoid unnecessary mistakes.
  2. Each translated hexagram can only be asked about a single issue , not asking multiple issues into one hexagram. Thus, the hexagram will not come true. If there are many things that need to be asked, many Translation hexagrams must be cast.
  3. You should not ask many hexagrams or questions in one day because it will affect the connection between the present consciousness and the spirituality of the universe.
  4. Once a question has been asked, you should not ask it again and again because according to the nature of the Dich hexagram, doing so is wrong and will not come true at all (unless there is a request from the Dich Master).
  5. Do not cast hexagrams between 10:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. every day .


Methods of making Translation hexagrams in order of priority of accuracy:

1. Cast a hexagram using 3 coins:

Prepare 3 coins, put them in the palm of your hand, calm down for about 3 minutes. Concentrate on your question. Then, shake the coin in the palm of your hand, 7 times for men, 9 times for women, then drop it into a large plate called 1 coin toss. Toss the coin 6 times, recording the results in order of each time. The convention is that: the side with words is negative, the side with pictures is positive.

2. Cast hexagrams with money serials:

Prepare a stack of money, the more the better (at least about 10 bills, no matter the denomination). Calm down for about 3 minutes. Concentrate all your thoughts on your question. Then withdraw any money. Record the year, month, day, time of withdrawal along with the serial number of the bill.

For example: Question: My mother has been seriously ill for a long time, and now her health suddenly deteriorates. I want to ask if she will recover? Withdrawal time: 11:45 p.m. August 27, 2023. Serial number: BH 19051890

3. Casting hexagrams with cards:

Prepare a deck of 52 cards. Then, discard all the cards with pictures including J, Q, K. Only keep the cards from A to 10. Calm down for about 3 minutes.

Concentrate all your thoughts on the question. Then draw any 3 cards, arrange them in a horizontal row. Repeat the above step 5 more times, each row behind in order will be placed above the row before.

The result will be 6 rows, each row of 3 cards arranged in order from bottom to top. Take a photo and send it along with the question to the Translator.


  1. Year, month, day, time of sowing, gender, occupation of the person.
  2. Hexagram information depends on the method used to create the hexagram. Specific question of the applicant.
  3. Other accompanying information (it's okay if you don't have it, it's even better if you have it): Bare face photo; Year, month, day, and hour of birth of the person; Date, month, year of birth of parents.


Love is the love between a man and a woman, the love between family, friends, and colleagues. Marriage is the issues surrounding marriage.

Some examples of frequently asked questions:

  1. Is my lover sincere towards me?
  2. Is my husband/lover having an affair?
  3. Do you get back together with your ex?
  4. Is it possible to get married?
  5. Is it possible to get a divorce?
  6. Can two people become lovers?


Work is what we do to make money. However, looking at work means that in essence, people have to work for an individual/organization and be paid for their dedication. It should be distinguished from business people who do business, it is not called work.

Some frequently asked questions include:

  1. Did you pass the job interview at company X?
  2. Is there a promotion coming soon?
  3. Will you be fired soon?
  4. Should I change my current job?
  5. How is the upcoming work progressing?


Seeking wealth is investing, doing business, and doing business independently and autonomously. It is necessary to distinguish between seeking wealth and work.

For example, some frequently asked questions include:

  1. Is investment profitable?
  2. Is business cooperation profitable?
  3. How is the financial situation next month?
  4. What is the upcoming business situation like?


Litigation and legal matters are not simply activities related to the state and law but also involve the competition of interests between many stakeholders.

Note: This can only be viewed by tossing coins or drawing cards.

Some examples of frequently asked questions:

  1. Is debt collection successful?
  2. Can lawsuits or disputes with opponents be won?
  3. Will there be criminal prosecution?
  4. Will he go to jail? Heavy or light sentence?


Examinations are exams in school or outside of school. You need to clearly state what exam this is? Exam what? Paper-based test or skills test?

Some examples of frequently asked questions:

  1. Can students who are good at math win prizes?
  2. Can you win a soccer competition?
  3. Did you pass the driver's license test?


If a person is missing: is it safe or not? Where are you? How to find? Which direction to find? How far is the distance? Who should I ask for information? When will it be found?

If the object goes missing: Is it found or not? If so, where are you? How to find? Which direction to find? How far is the distance? Who should I ask for information? When will it be found?

If you are looking for a thief: Can you find it or not? If so, where to find it? What does the thief look like? Male or female? What does it look like? What age?


Departure is to depart, to move to another place. The hexagram discussion will include: Can you walk? If so, is it easy to go? If not, why can't you go? If I go, will it be safe? If I go on a business trip, will the job be successful?
A few frequently asked questions:

  1. Will I be able to export labor in the near future?
  2. Will you be able to travel soon?
  3. Is the business trip convenient and successful?


This issue is only considered in cases where the person has gone to the doctor but is not sick; or are being treated for an illness and want to ask when they will be cured.

If the person has gone to the doctor, they need to provide information about what disease they have, where they are sick, and when they have been sick. Only then will the translator answer the question.

If the person has gone to many doctors but has not been diagnosed and wants to find out what disease he has, the person needs to provide the symptoms of the disease, then the hexagram analysis will include: What disease? Where is the disease? Why do you get sick? Solution? Prognosis?

(As for this part, if there is a frontal photo of the tongue, unedited and closest to reality, the hexagram analysis will be more accurate. To take a photo of the tongue, you can contact a translator for advice. Find out more).

Note: This can only be viewed by tossing coins or drawing cards.

A few frequently asked questions:

  1. I have had an itchy rash on my left hand for many years. I went to many doctors but couldn't find the problem. I want to ask what's wrong with me?
  2. I'm being treated for disease X, but it keeps coming back and can't be cured? Will I ever be completely cured?


This issue is only considered in cases where the person has a loved one who is seriously ill, predicts death and wants to ask when they will die.

A few frequently asked questions:

  1. My mother has been seriously ill for a long time, and now her health suddenly deteriorates. Will she survive this time?
  2. My younger brother had an accident, his prognosis is very serious, will he survive? If so, will it leave any sequelae?


Requirements: Phone number must be used for at least 3 years. Must have full name, date, month, and year of birth (if it includes the hour of birth, even better).

Your phone number is your representative. Everyone, including relatives, colleagues, superiors, friends, and customers, see the phone number when they call, so it also has a significant impact on daily life.

However, it is still necessary to understand that the phone number is just an increase-decrease factor, for example, good makes good more good, bad makes bad less. The main thing is still your own destiny, it's just that if your destiny is bad, a good phone number can reduce the bad and vice versa.

If your number is in Vietnam and you need help finding the phone number you need, contact us for a fee quote.


Home is where people return after a hard day's work. It is the place to eat, sleep, rest, and live for every person. People spend about half of their lives at home. Therefore, home feng shui is very important for everyone. A house is good for the whole world, but bad for only us, it is still bad and vice versa.

Note: This can only be viewed using the coin toss method.

A few frequently asked questions:

  1. Is your current housing suitable for you?
  2. Does the current house violate feng shui?
  3. When can I sell land/house?

✨SEE Omens

Omens are things, events, and phenomena that happen unexpectedly, contrary to the laws of nature, and happen to you, your loved ones, or your family. For example, birds and fish jump, tree branches break when there is no wind, strange sounds, incense bowls catch fire,...

This is a relatively complicated matter. The person needs to tell the information in detail: the incident, the time of the incident, the direction of the incident,... the more detailed the better.

For example: At 4:00 p.m. on May 19, 2024, a strange bird suddenly flew from the northwest into the house, landed on the stairs, cried out 7 strange sounds and then flew away. Is there any omen?


Maternity is the process of pregnancy and childbirth. Looking at maternity is to see if the pregnancy process is easy? Is giving birth favorable? Is there anything to note?

To pray for oneself is to pray for children. Only consider cases where a husband and wife have been married for a long time but have not had children. Both have gone to the doctor but are both normal and have no problems in reproducing.

Note: Do not check the sex of the fetus.

A few frequently asked questions:

  1. Is giving birth favorable?
  2. It's past your due date but you haven't given birth yet. Ask when was born?
  3. The couple has been married for 4 years but has no children. Both husband and wife are normal. Ask what is the cause? Have children? If so, when?
  4. Is pregnancy easy?
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